- Deny yourself. Choose what God wants, not what you want.
- Take up your cross. Do God's will each day.
- Keep on following Jesus.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
*Reflections* --> Following God's Will For Your Life
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Natural Hair Style Guide for Winter

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
"LovingYourHair: In life, there will always be resistance as you ascend upward. Your goal is to love unconditionally and let people find their way."
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Moisturizing Your Tresses!
Got another natural hair tidbit for ya. I obtained this from from one of my favorite natural hair blog CurlyNikki. Here's a link to the post I saw:
Enjoy and stay blessed!
nNb :)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Natural Hair "STYLE" Challenge!
The challenge is finally here! The challenge goes from November 28, 2010 - February 19, 2010. This video contains some of the rules and logistics of the challenge. Join me if you can!
Stay blessed,
nNb :)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Winterizing Your Natural Tresses...

Monday, November 15, 2010
*Video Blog Reflection* 11-15-2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Natural Hair Challenge!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
*Reflections* --> Dealing with stressful situations
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Why is Violence the "Norm" in Our Society???
Hey everyone,
Today I feel compelled to comment (vent) about the current epidemic of violence in our society. As you all know, I am a corps member in City Year Detroit for the 2011 FY. I work in one of the roughest public high schools in the city. This week has been a rather challenging week for myself as well as my team. Just this week alone, I witnessed fights as well as heard about fights in the vicinity of the school. I witnessed one of my students get escorted out of the school in handcuffs and lastly, there was a shooting outside of my school today. While talking to some of the students, most of them seemed unfazed by the escalating violence in their school. Even after the shooting, I didn't get a sense of panic and fear from the students, I got a vibe of indifference and apathy. This brings me to my main question: Why is it that our society is so apathetic to the growing violence in our neighborhoods?
The shooting that occurred outside of my school was the result of a fight that escalated to someting more serious. From my observations, students tend to "play-fight" with their friends and slam one another on the floor and horse around until someone actually gets hurt. Once this injury happens, all joking ceases and the students actually begin fighting... Students in the surrounding areas rush towards the location of the fight, often harming one another to get a good view of the fight. The worst part of the entire ordeal is that the "beef" never ends! Once someone is beaten in a one-on-one fight, they call their friends to go back and attack the other person again, sometimes even wielding a weapon! These rivalries are long-lasting and often end up in multiple injuries.
Why we allowing this to happen in our community?! Why can't we as a society, come together and prevent this nonsense from occurring? We tend to care more about the negative influences in the media rather than the positive ones...we have students that can quote entire rap stanzas but struggle to spell words with a difficulty wayy below their grade level. When will this madness end?!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
It's been a longgggg time since I've done a post of any sort. To all my followers, I truly apologize for the delay. So much has happened in such a short time span, both good and bad and I am excited to share all of it with you :) Rather than bore y'all with lots and lots of text, I decided to relay the information in the way I do best...you guessed it, VIDEO BLOG POST!!! In addition to this video, I will be doing a lot more blog posting, artist spotlights and I will RESTART and COMPLETE my weight loss journey! So much excitment to come your way so keep it posted!
Here's the vid. Make sure to comment below and follow me on Twitter: @natNaijabeauty :)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Exercise Journal Entry #4
Hey lovelies!
So...I know it's been a while since my last journal entry. I had to take a slight hiatus because of a Basic Training Retreat with City Year Detroit! wOOt! I wasn't able to film my weight loss for the week because I didn't really have access to a scale...lol! I got to do a BUNCH of team building and I have to say that this group of people are the COOLEST people I have ever come across! :)
Sidenote: We went to Camp Cavell in the wonderful city of Lexington, MI. The camp site was right off Lake Huron which made for some very lovely pictures!
Back to my weight loss journey...
nNb :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Exercise Journal Entry #3
Hey y'all!
Here is my third entry for my Exercise Journal!! woot!!! In this entry, I show y'all how I currently look. I also discuss some instructional aids that I will be using to help with my weight loss. I plan to do a video like this each week, so I can show my progress...
Current measurements:
Weight: 195 lbs.
Chest: 40 DDD
Stay blessed!
nNb :)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Exercise Journal Entry #2
Heeey y'all!
Here is the second entry into my exercise journal! Enjoy! The vid was shot on my phone so the quality is kind of poor...sorry about that guys! Here's the vid:
Stay blessed!
nNb :)
Exercise Motivational Video
Hey y'all!
As I was chilling and trying to figure out a way to fall asleep, I decided to watch some videos from my favorite videoblogger BeautifulBrwnBabyDol. One of my most favorite videos is her video documenting her total weight loss. It is so inspirational because I often get discouraged when I think about how much weight I have to lose in order to get down to my healthy weight range. Hopefully this video serves as an inspiration for y'all as well. Here's the vid:
nNb :)
Monday, August 2, 2010
New Exercise Journal...
After careful consideration, I've decided to start up my exercise regimen again...Not only am I starting up again, I am also documenting my journey every step of the way. I'm going to call the blogs dedicated to this journey my Exercise Journal. I'm doing this to keep myself motivated as well as accountable for any slip-ups I may have.
This is not just a temporary diet for me, this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE! During this weight loss period, I plan to learn to eat more healthily, create a workout regimen for daily exercise and I will be documenting the entire process. I will be filming weigh-ins and workout sessions, as well as providing sample meals for myself as well as others...
Here is the intro to my Exercise Journey:
nNb Y
Mane Chic Michelle

Hey fellow curlies!
I'm delighted to say that I was recently featured on one of my favorite natural hair blogs Indulgenceiskey. She started a new segment on her blog entitled Mane Chic (pronounced sheek) and I was blessed to her first feature! To see my feature, click here. Hope y'all enjoy it!
Be blessed,
nNb Y
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
2 Year Nappiversary Video
I finally finished my video documenting my 2 year natural hair journey!!!! While looking through all of my pictures, I got a true understanding of how much my has grown over the years. I am SUPER excited for the years of kinky-haired bliss yet to come! Enjoy the vid!
Peace out curlies!
nNb Y
Video Blog Update!!
Here's a quick update vid that I made yesterday.
Enjoy y'all!
nNb Y
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Natural Hair Update: 2 YEAR NAPPIVERSARY!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Hair Tutorial: Cute Two-Strand Twist Updo

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Truth About Baking Soda Hair Concoctions...

Friday, June 11, 2010
*Artist Spotlight* --> Janelle Monae
Monáe's alter-ego, Cindi Mayweather—also the protagonist of Metropolis: The Chase Suite— becomes a messiah-esque figure to the android community of Metropolis. Monáe noted that she plans to shoot a video for each song on The ArchAndroid and create a movie, as well as create a graphic novel for it.
The Metropolis concept series draws inspiration from a wide range of musical, cinematic and other sources, ranging from Alfred Hitchcock to Debussy to Philip K. Dick. However, the series puts Fritz Lang's 1927 silent film Metropolis, which Monáe referred to as "the godfather of science-fiction movies," in special regard. Aside from sharing a name, they also share visual styles (the cover for The ArchAndroid is inspired by the iconic poster for Metropolis), conceptual themes and political goals, using expressionistic future scenarios to examine and explode contemporary ideas of prejudice and class.
Monae does not associate with just one genre of music. Here is what she thinks about the categorization of her music:
"It's the things that you don't do that makes you who you are.”, “Don't put a label on your art, let others decide what they think it is, and while they are deciding or trying to figure out what to call your art and name it, you just continue to do more art.” -Andy Warhol. This quote got to me because as an Artist, people always want to categorize you and say oh, you are in this category, but there is nothing that I limit myself to doing. Categorizing myself will only limit my growth."
To get an idea of her musical style, she is a mix of pretty much afro-punk, funk, dance-punk, Indiie pop, pop, soul and much, much more! Below is a video of my favorite song from her first album Many Moons:
Check her out y'all!
Stay blessed,
nNb Y
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hair Tutorial: Two-Strand Twists!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Fashion Accessories--> Creating Your Own Flower Hair Accessories
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
R.I.P. Lena Calhoun Horne
Monday, April 26, 2010
Video Blog #3: Kinky Twist Update/Graduation Hairstyles??
Got a new video blog post. This one was captured at 6am so excuse the craziness that is me...lol! Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Video Blog #2: The Power of Faith and Prayer
-Matthew 17:20
Hey y'all!
Brand new edition to the video blog series! Well, actually, this video was taken on 3/09 but I just got the opportunity to upload it :) Finally figured out how to upload my videos onto a computer without having to purchase new video editing software...YAY! Btw, my hair is straight in this video...I couldn't resist the urge to see how long it has grown...no more straightening for meeee!
nNb Y
Saturday, April 17, 2010
New Segment: Video Blog Series!/Blog #1
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
*Artist Spotlight* --> Brooke Fraser

If I only "see" by keeping score
'Cos I know now you are so much more than arithmetic
'Cos if I add, if I subtract
If I give it all, try to take some back
I've forgotten the freedom that comes from the fact
That you are the Sum
So you are the one
I want
~"Arithmetic" by Brooke Fraser
So...after listening to one a worship song from the worship team at Hillsong Church, I heard one of their beautiful songs entitled Hosanna. After I listened to the lyrics and watched the video and YouTube MANY times (lol!), I decided to look up more about that particular song. This is when I learned that Brooke Ligertwood (stage name Brooke Fraser) wrote that version of the song! She has such a beautiful voice! I've heard her lead the worship team in other songs as well, and so I decided to look her up to see if she had made anymore songs recently. Turns out, she also a mainstream recording artist and her music is all over the world! Talk about awesome!
She's got a total of two albums out right now: What to Do with Daylight (2003) and Albertine(2006). She also has another album slated to come out within the next couple of months. One of my favorite songs comes from her first album and it is entitled "Arithmetic". In this song, she is singing about how God is the only one that she wants. I really love this track and I love the music video as well. Check it out below:
Here's another video of her with Hillsong Church singing "Hosanna":
Check her out and tell what you think...comment below!
nNb Y
New Segment on Blog: ARTIST SPOTLIGHT!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hair Updates!!! Kinky Twists or Afro Twists

I find, in being Black,a thing of "Beauty"; like a joy; a strength; a secret cup of gladness ...a native land in neither time nor place ...a native land in every Black face!
Be loyal to yourselves; your skin; your hair; your lips; your speech; your laughing kinds are Black kingdoms,vast as any other.
-- Ossie Davis
Hey y'all!
It's been a while since I last posted (I'm seriously slacking, lol!). I have decided to give my hair a rest and get some kinky/afro twists soon. Here's the kicker: I plan to do them MYSELF!!! As you can imagine, I have been looking at all sorts of youTube tutorials and pictures to see if this is something that I can actually do...
After looking at some pictures, I think I have narrowed down my hair style selections:
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
WEEKLY CHALLENGE #2: Drink a Gallon of Water Each Day
Pounds of body weight 150lbs.
Water requirement from above (75% of body weight for an active person) 112.5 oz
Add for dryness of climate +16 oz.
Add for strenous exercise +16 0z.
Total per day 144.5 oz.
Divide by the number of hours you're awake to find your hourly water requirement:
Therefore, a 150-pound active person who works out should drink 9 oz. of water for each hour awake.
1.) Water is absolutely essential to the human body’s survival. A person can live for about a month without food, but only about a week without water.
2.) Water helps to maintain healthy body weight by increasing metabolism and regulating appetite.
3.) Water leads to increased energy levels. The most common cause of daytime fatigue is actually mild dehydration.
4.) Drinking adequate amounts of water can decrease the risk of certain types of cancers, including colon cancer, bladder cancer, and breast cancer.
5.) For a majority of sufferers, drinking water can significantly reduce joint and/or back pain.
6.) Water leads to overall greater health by flushing out wastes and bacteria that can cause disease.
7.) Water can prevent and alleviate headaches.
8.) Water naturally moisturizes skin and ensures proper cellular formation underneath layers of skin to give it a healthy, glowing appearance.
9.) Water aids in the digestion process and prevents constipation.
10.) Water is the primary mode of transportation for all nutrients in the body and is essential for proper circulation.
Monday, January 25, 2010
WEEKLY CHALLENGE #1: Anonymous Acts of Kindness :)
--Dale Carnegie
Hi lovelies!
Here is this week's challenge: ANONYMOUS ACTS OF KINDNESS!
The purpose of this challenge is to help others, but the catch is that they cannot know that you did helped them. Many times, I see people help others and then expect a thank you or some type of praise...We need to learn how to do nice things for others without getting any recognition. You should be doing the good deed because you want to help a person out, and get that good and tingly feeling inside :)
GOAL: 3 acts each day!! :)
So...DO NOT wait to be thanked or recognized, just HELP OTHERS!
Some examples may include (but are not limited to...)
- Leaving your change from a purchase at the check out and ask that the cashier credits that to the person behind you...then you leave...
- What can you do with five bucks to make someone's day? Anything that comes to mind, (legal of course) do it! :)
- Express kindness to those who are healing. Go to the hospital and visit sick children. Bring them stuffed animals (they won't know who you are) :)
- Make a SMILE card. Just take some construction paper and stickers and create some at home. Put a motivational quote on them and mention that you just wanted the person to smile. Hand it out to people that you don't know as you walk down the street. :)
These are just some ideas, stretch your imagination as far as it will go. Your goal is to make the person that you help SMILE! :D
Don't forget to update everyone on your progress in the comments box below!
Also, if you are interested in doing this after this week, visit http://www.helpothers.org/ and order some SMILE cards...they are FREE!!!
Peace and blessings,
nNb Y