Monday, February 1, 2010

WEEKLY CHALLENGE #2: Drink a Gallon of Water Each Day

To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life. --William Londen

Hey hey y'all!
I hope everyone had a fantastic week and weekend! I'm back with a brand new challenge: DRINK A GALLON OF WATER EACH DAY!
Roughly 70% of our bodies are made up of water. I used to think that I drank more than enough glasses of water each day (2 bottles of water per day, lol!) After a while, I found out that I am supposed to drink at LEAST 8 glasses of water a day. To put that in perspective, that is about 64 ounces of water per day. I was drinking about ~34 ounces...yeah, nowhere near enough, huh? I did a little bit more research and realized that I would continue to get dehydrated until I started drinking the correct amount of water for my body type.
I tried to do this challenge on my own a couple of weeks ago, and I failed pretty badly. I found myself guzzling the last 40 ounces of water within 30 min at one time, just to make my goal....not good... This time, I am going to take my time and spread out my consumption so that I am only drinking 10 ounces at 11pm :) That is the reason for this challenge this week!
1 Gallon = 128 ounces (I know it sounds like a lot, but it CAN be done!)
Quick Reference (Use this for the challenge AND after the challenge to keep up your water intake )
Daily Water Requirements: Drink 50-75% of your body weight in ounces. Sedentary people: 50%; Active people: 75%

Example Calculation:
Pounds of body weight 150lbs.
Water requirement from above (75% of body weight for an active person) 112.5 oz
Add for dryness of climate +16 oz.
Add for strenous exercise +16 0z.

Total per day 144.5 oz.
Divide by the number of hours you're awake to find your hourly water requirement:
144.5 ÷ 16 =9 oz.
Therefore, a 150-pound active person who works out should drink 9 oz. of water for each hour awake.
Here's a litle motivation to get you started! :)
10 Reasons to Drink Water

1.) Water is absolutely essential to the human body’s survival. A person can live for about a month without food, but only about a week without water.

2.) Water helps to maintain healthy body weight by increasing metabolism and regulating appetite.

3.) Water leads to increased energy levels. The most common cause of daytime fatigue is actually mild dehydration.

4.) Drinking adequate amounts of water can decrease the risk of certain types of cancers, including colon cancer, bladder cancer, and breast cancer.

5.) For a majority of sufferers, drinking water can significantly reduce joint and/or back pain.

6.) Water leads to overall greater health by flushing out wastes and bacteria that can cause disease.

7.) Water can prevent and alleviate headaches.

8.) Water naturally moisturizes skin and ensures proper cellular formation underneath layers of skin to give it a healthy, glowing appearance.

9.) Water aids in the digestion process and prevents constipation.

10.) Water is the primary mode of transportation for all nutrients in the body and is essential for proper circulation.
WARNING: DO NOT DRINK THE WATER QUICKLY! Drinking too much water too quickly can lead to water intoxication. Water intoxication occurs when water dilutes the sodium level in the bloodstream and causes an imbalance of water in the brain...NOT A GOOD IDEA!
Good luck peeps! As always, comment below for updates, I will be commenting too :)
Peace and love,
nNb Y
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