I find, in being Black,a thing of "Beauty"; like a joy; a strength; a secret cup of gladness ...a native land in neither time nor place ...a native land in every Black face!
Be loyal to yourselves; your skin; your hair; your lips; your speech; your laughing kinds are Black kingdoms,vast as any other.
-- Ossie Davis
Hey y'all!
It's been a while since I last posted (I'm seriously slacking, lol!). I have decided to give my hair a rest and get some kinky/afro twists soon. Here's the kicker: I plan to do them MYSELF!!! As you can imagine, I have been looking at all sorts of youTube tutorials and pictures to see if this is something that I can actually do...
After looking at some pictures, I think I have narrowed down my hair style selections:
From: Nautrally Leslie (very interesting blog)
I am also interested in the style in the first picture (the one with pinned hair), it looks really cute. Okies, I'll hit y'all up a little later and hopefully I'll have pics of my new hair do.
nNb Y