Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hair Updates!!! Kinky Twists or Afro Twists

I find, in being Black,a thing of "Beauty"; like a joy; a strength; a secret cup of gladness ...a native land in neither time nor place ...a native land in every Black face!
Be loyal to yourselves; your skin; your hair; your lips; your speech; your laughing kinds are Black kingdoms,vast as any other.
-- Ossie Davis

Hey y'all!

It's been a while since I last posted (I'm seriously slacking, lol!). I have decided to give my hair a rest and get some kinky/afro twists soon. Here's the kicker: I plan to do them MYSELF!!! As you can imagine, I have been looking at all sorts of youTube tutorials and pictures to see if this is something that I can actually do...

After looking at some pictures, I think I have narrowed down my hair style selections:

From: Nautrally Leslie (very interesting blog)

I am also interested in the style in the first picture (the one with pinned hair), it looks really cute. Okies, I'll hit y'all up a little later and hopefully I'll have pics of my new hair do.
nNb Y

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” --Ashley Smith

Hey y'all!

It's been a minute since I posted my last blog. A lot of things have occurred in my life within the last month... Hope everyone has been doing well...

There have been several ups and downs for me during February. I lost a couple of friendships and I've been getting ready for graduation... I'll post another blog about the friendship problems that I was having a little bit later...

Ok, so graduation is coming up on MAY 1st!!! I'm sooo excited! We found out that President Obama is speaking at our commencement ceremony! This is a really big honor for our school and everyone is super excited about it... My parents are really taking the time to plan out a graduation party for me and I am really excited to have all of my family come together to celebrate with me.

Okies, that's all for the update, I will be posting more blogs more often...

Until next time y'all!

nNb Y

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