"Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power" ~William James
Hey y'all!
First and foremost, I want to wish everyone a happy hump day! I know that things can get rough, but remember that the energy that you give off is contagious...
We all know the story...someone that you know woke up this morning in a funky mood. Everything that happens to them causes them to more upset and negative...whether the event was positive or negative. Everyone that they encounter senses that negativity coming from that person and the mood in every room that they enter begins to sour. Negative or Pessimistic people cause evreyone around them to change in attitude and disposition.
I try to be a positive as I possibly can, but sometimes pessimistic people cause me to turn from my naturally bubbly self, into a ball of saddness and negativity. I struggle a lot with dealing with neagtive people on the job, at home with family and even with some friends. The important thing to remember is that negativity is infectious! What we must do is remove ourselves from being around people who are always negative and sad. Don't get me wrong, don't completely abandon the person(s), you are to be a good friend and try your best to help the person get over (or at least cope) with their sadness. The problem starts when the person you are trying to help chooses to remain in their sad state. When they refuse to see the good in any situation and decide to wallow in their own sadness, that is when you need to escape.
I'll be honest, I used to have VERY LOW self-esteem. I used to be the person that wallowed in my own self pity. I constantly turned to my friends and wanted them to pay attention to me and try to make me feel better. I used to like the attention, because I felt like people liked me. After a while, my friends started to get tired of me being in a constant state of negativity. People stopped calling and checking up on and hanging out with me... It wasn't until a little while afterwards, that I realized that people don't want to hang out with super negative people. Sometimes people want to hang out with you and have fun. If they constantly come around you and you are negative and pessimistic, they too will become that way. After that learning experience, I now know how my friends felt as they dealt with my pessimism.
It's very important to be supportive, but remember there is a difference between occasionally being someone's shoulder to cry on and being a permanent crutch. In order to reduce your own stress and frustration, remove yourself from the footholds of negativity and pesimissim. Try your best to be the most positive person you can be and trust in God to heal your heart and those around you who may also be on the fast track to Pessimism City.
with love,
nNb :)