Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dynamic Divas Present: Workout Video Review #1

Hey everyone!!!

It's been a while since my last post! I've got some really exciting news, I now have a new segment on my blog called Dynamic Divas! It is featuring myself and my friend Julia (sewellspeaks.com). She will only be in town until July 5th, so I'm going to try to make as many videos as possible for the segment. Here is our first *official* Dynamic Divas video:

In this video, we review two workout videos: Dancing with the Stars Cardio  Dance and Brazilian Butt Lift Workouts. We also talk briefly about our current weight loss journey progress. Enjoy the craziness that is Julia and myself!

Remember to rate, comment & subscribe!

nNb :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

30 Day Blog Post Challenge: Day 4

Question 4: Bullet your whole day?

  • Woke up at 6:30 am
  • Took a shower and got dressed to go to work
  • Left for work
  • 7:20 am circle in parking
  • Departed for school
  • Saw the kids in the morning 
  • Deliver goodbyes to students with hugs
  • Leave school for Deloitte speaking engagement in Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Delivered a testimonial about my experience as a corps member in City Year Detroit
  • Had a party with my students during my last 5th class I would have with them.
  • Said final goodbyes and took pictures with students
  • City Year graduation roll-out
  • Step team practice
  • Returned home
  • Watched "The Great Debaters"
A little contet: Today was our last day to be with our students while in City Year. It was a very emotional day...tears were flowing from both myself as well as my students. Any questions or concerns, feel free to comment below.

Have a great evening,
nNb :)

30 Day Blog Post Challenge: Day 3

Question 3: A book you love?

I have been reading a lot more lately, but there is one author that sticks out more than the rest, JOHN GRISHAM. Every single one of his books that I read are page-turners. I often found myself reading instead of doing other "important" things, lol! One of the novels that sticks out the most is his 1996 best-seller "The Runaway Jury". Normally, I'm not a big fan of law fiction, but the storylines are so interesting, you can't help but to read. I'm purposely not talking about the book's contents so that you all can take the opportunity to read his work. I will say this, the book starts off very interestingly and keeps the reader engaged the entire time. I love this book because it kept me guessing the whole time (and most times my guesses were wrong, lol!) Take the opportunity to read this book and many others from his collection. Please feel free to comment about whatever you read on this blog.

Be blessed!
nNb :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Weight Loss Journey: Week 2 Results!

"Any experience can be transformed into something of value. Everything depends on the way you look at things. You cannot have the success without the failures."
~Unknown Author

Hey everyone!

I know this is late, but I finally got around to posting my measurements for the end of week 2. Just for the record, I did measure myself on Sunday...I just didn't have time to take a video or anything else. :( This week will only have a blog post dedicated to it, because I am kind of short on time. 
Here are the results from Week 2:

Wk 1: 193 lbs. |  Wk 2: 194 lbs.
Wk 1: 42 3/8 in. | Wk 2: 42 2/8 in.
Wk 1: 37 6/8 in. | Wk 2: 36 in.
Wk 1: 43 3/8 in.  | Wk 2: 43 1/8 in.
Wk 1: 24 in. |  Wk 2: 23 4/8 in.
Wk 1: 11 3/8 in.  |  Wk 2: 11 6/8 in. 

I have to say that some of the measurements came out a little bit funky. I do know that I did quite a bit of cheating on my caloric intake during this week. This was probably the cause of the extra pound that I gained. I also skipped the 30 Day Shred workout for a couple of days (after you miss one of the days, your body really feels the loss of endurance when you pick it back up).

My hope is that this will be a wake-up call for me and I will start to eat healthier.

Stay blessed,
nNb :)

30 Day Blog Post Challenge: Day 2

Question #2: Something you feel strongly about?

Hmmm...this one is a very easy one. I feel that every child in the United States should have equal access to good education. There is a big difference between the quality of education in a suburban district compared to that of an inner-city district. Students in urban areas are way more likely to dropout of school because they do not value education. Most of these "would-be dropouts" see local drug dealers making more money than everyone else in the community. What's worse is that several educated people grew up in these neighborhoods but they don't often return. This causes kids to label them as "fake", "bougie", etc. Since they see the drug dealers "servicing" the community that they were raised in, kids are more apt to emulate them.

 I encounter students everyday that would rather listen to the newest rap song than listen to the history of their own race. Students value rappers over educators. Example: You hear a student rapping some lyrics to a popular song. You decide to print out these lyrics and give them to the student to read (Student doesn't know the origin of the foreign poetry on the page). You then ask them to read the "poetry" aloud.  I did this once with one of my students. Not only did they have difficulty reading the "poetry", they also called the whole thing stupid. Once I told him that I found a rap version of the song, he instantly wanted me to play it. He was embarrassed when he found out that it was his favorite song. Why is it that our students can memorize rap lyrics on a dime, but have difficulty reading simple sentences?! If they could only learn to harness that energy and apply it more towards their education, there is no telling what they can accomplish!

In order to increase the total number of high school graduates from the inner-city, we first have to get the community involved. There are too many times where I see parents smoking and drinking with their children. The community needs to step up and nurture their children. We need to give these kids something positive to look up too, instead of rappers, drug dealers and video vixens.

Yes, I know that this was a lot to write for this post, but I feel very strongly about education and its reform. :)

nNb :)
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