Friday, November 30, 2012

30 Day of Pinspiration: Day 8

Day 8: Babies.
Check out my explanation here: 30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 8

I love y'all for free,
nNb ♥

Thursday, November 29, 2012

30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 7

Day 7: Orchids
Check out my explanation here: 30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 7

I love y'all for free,
nNb ♥

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 6

Day 6: Janelle Monáe
Check out my explanation here: 30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 6
Also, I posted an *Artist Spotlight* on here not too long ago...Check it out here:

I love y'all for free,
nNb ♥

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 5

Day 5: Starfish
Check out my explanation here: 30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 5

Source: via Michelle on Pinterest

I love y'all for free,
nNb ♥

Monday, November 26, 2012

30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 4

Day 4: Natural Women Who Big Chop TWICE!
Check out my explanation here: 30 Days of Pinterest: Day 4

I love y'all for free,
nNb ♥

Sunday, November 25, 2012

30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 3

Day 3: Outdoor Tree Lighting
Check out my explanation here: 30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 3

I love ya'll for free,
nNb ♥

Saturday, November 24, 2012

30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 2

Day 2: Denard "Shoelace" Robinson
Check out my explanation here: 30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 2

I love y'all for free!
nNb ♥

Friday, November 23, 2012

30 Days of Pinspiration Introduction/Day 1

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein."
~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Hey everyone!!

First and foremost, I want to wish everyone a happy Post-Thanksgiving and I really hope that you were able to enjoy it with loved ones.

With finals seasons quickly approaching, I've realized that I've been very stressed out lately. Even with prayer and mediating on the Word, I've still managed to find myself in a very stressed out state. After thinking about this for a while and wondering why I am much more stressed now than I was within the last 2 years, I finally got clarity. Although I have recently started grad school (which is a large stressor of it's own, lol!), I realized that my life is also lacking in one other department: INSPIRATION!

During the previous 2 years, I was a Corps Member in City Year Detroit. Despite the fact that both years were hard and emotionally taxing, I was constantly surrounded by inspiring quotes, people and children. Whenever times were hard, there was always a quote, speech, video, person or event that picked my spirits up. To top it off, I worked with some fantastic kids that eventually helped me discover the path that God wanted me to pursue. In those times, I was surrounded by what I like to call "tangible" inspiration! Now, as I look at my current position, I've realized that in order for me to get my "happy" back, I need to start surrounding myself around these positive things again. The bible says
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
~Philippians 4:8 (ESV)
As Christians, we already know that we have the victory, now what we need to do is make sure that we stay encouraged! Satan knows what God has in store for us, and he's freaking out! He doesn't want us to succeed, but instead he wants us DEAD! This is why it's important to keep yourself encouraged! (Whew! God really ministered to me through that one...). To help keep myself inspired as well making sure that you all are encouraged, I've decided to join others in the 30 Days of Pinspiration activity on Pinterest. Every day, I will be posting a picture of something that inspires me, and giving a description about why I chose it (those descriptions will only be on Pinterest, so make sure that you click the link above the picture to see them). If you plan on participating as well, follow my board and I will follow yours. It is my sincere hope that posting every day will force us to inject some positivity into each day ON PURPOSE. While looking at the description for the picture of the day, please make sure to check out other boards that are participating as well. I pray that this activity ministers to you all as it will for me. 

So, without further ado, here is my first 'pin':

Day 1: Barack and Michelle Obama. 

Check out my explanation here: 30 Days of Pinspiration: Day 1

Source: via Michelle on Pinterest

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

T-Minus 7 Days and Counting...

"If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it."

Hey everyone!!

We are at the halfway point of the the month of November! Praise the Lord! As I look at my calendar and stare in disbelief at all of the assignments that must be completed before Dec 20th, I've realized that it is important to take a step back and relax to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed. My form of relaxation....VISITING FAMILY AND FRIENDS FOR A MINI TURKEY DAY VACAY!!!

For those that know me well, they know how homesick I have truly been. Although I really do like living in Maryland and all that it has to offer, there is always a part of me that will always be a Michigan girl! There is something about being with loved ones and smashing delicious home-cooked food... I'm getting excited just thinking about it! lol! I'm super thankful for cancellations in both my Tuesday and Wednesday classes next week, so that I can spend the most amount of time home. So to all of my friends and family, I will be home Nov 20th-25th (so hit me up now so I can visit you, lol!).

On another note, if you are unable to go home, make sure that you still take time to relax during the Turkey Day break. Take yourself out on a date, plan a dinner with some friends, go and get a massage (lots of great Groupons online to help you get a great deal on these), just make sure that you take out some time for yourself. Take this time to rejuvenate yourself so that you/we can finish off this semester/year strong!

I love y'all for free!
nNb ♥

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's Election Day! God's Commandment...PRAY!

In Him we also were made [God’s] heritage (portion) and we obtained an inheritance; for we had been foreordained (chosen and appointed beforehand) in accordance with His purpose, Who works out everything in agreement with the counsel and design of His [own] will.
~Ephesians 1:11, Amplified

Hey everyone, 

Well, the big day is finally here! It's ELECTION DAY! After all of the television ads that we have been bombarded with, the day is finally her where we can cast our votes. While today is an exciting day, it is also filled with anxiety because the results draw closer to being finalized every hour. For those that follow me on both Twitter and Facebook, you already know where I stand on many issues and candidates (OBAMA 2012, lol!), but it is important to realize that by the end of today, one group of people will be rejoicing, while another group is mourning. While everyone wants a particular issue to go in their favor, or want their particular candidate to be elected, the reality is that there will be people that will be disappointed with today's election outcome.

We have to remember that God is in control of EVERYTHING! No matter what our rational minds come up with, He is in control. When our issue or candidate is not chosen, we have to remember that God KNOWS what He is doing! Period, point blank. One of the things that I was worried about when God called me to pursue a Masters in Education was that if a certain candidate wins, potential jobs that would be designated for my field would disappear. There were even times where I even cried out to God and complained about what the future could hold. It took a while for me to realize that God would NOT lead me to do anything that wouldn't be fruitful and thus not give Him glory. Understand that God is sovereign and even if YOUR candidate does not win, God allowed it to happen for a reason. Have faith and know that we will not understand everything that He does, but ALL of it is designed to bring Him glory. He is still the ruler of this earth and His plan is being fulfilled, whether you understand it or not!

God's command in times like these is very simple: PRAY! Pray before you vote. Pray after you vote. Pray if your candidate or issue wins. Pray is your candidate or issues loses. Pray for our leaders. Pray for a spirit of love. Pray for your neighbors. Pray for God's will to be manifested. Pray for peace. Shoooot, pray for TV anchors. Just pray! God listens to the prayers of his people and we need to make sure that we are communing with Him. 

Also remember that God loves us too much to harm us and is far more concerned about our welfare than we are. So we may THINK that we know better, but we don't! He does not fail and everything happens for a reason... God loves and has plans to prosper us, so please remain faithful and pray!

I love y'all for free,
nNb ♥

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