"Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away."
-Barbara De Angelis
It's been a while since my last update and A LOT of things have occurred since then... First off, I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I know I'm super late, but I hope everyone had a great kick off to the new year.
So...I have been doing some soul-searching and I am making some big transitions/changes in my life. First, I've decided to try to find a job right now (hopefully through Americorps in the nonprofit sector to prepare myself for a career in nonprofit work! I'm super excited and nervous all at the same time...it's going to be a really big change for me, but I my heart is being pulled in that direction. I still haven't decided whether or not I want to devote my life to working with children or whether or not I want to work to help save the environment. Hopefully I will be able to come to the decision soon. If I could find a position that combined both of those things, that would truly be my dream job :D
Ok, I did say that I am making a lot of changes, well, I came up with some resolutions for the new year... Now, I know that most times people make resolutions and then forget about them down the road (I'm guilty of that!)...but I am really determined to change my life and lifestyle...
Here goes...
- Attend church more often and stop finding reasons to not go...
- Lose 57 lbs, to get to my healthy weight of 141 lbs.
- Begin a daily regimen to take better care of myself (morning, nighttime, workout schedule)
- No more flat ironing my hair...find better ways to naturally stretch and straighten my hair...
- Do not settle for anything less than I deserve from ANYONE!
- Try different hairstyles and don't allow myself to be stuck in a rut.
- Donate clothing that I don't wear to charity
- Become more organized and more tidy
Another thing that I have decided to do and stick to is to remain celibate until marriage... I have had a hard time doing this because I didn't want guys to lose interest in me..but now I need to focus on myself and build up my self-esteem and sex only complicates things. Besides, I want to wait for the guy that loves me enough to profess before God that he loves me. Please pray for me...
That's about it for this update, I will be back with another one really soon...I just did this really cute hairstyle and I want to upload the video onto the blog so y'all can see :)
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