Saturday, August 25, 2012

The World's Reaction to Faithful Christians...

 "God makes everything happen at the right time. Yet none of us can ever fully understand all he has done, and he puts questions in our minds about the past and the future. (CEV)"
~Ecc 3:11

Hey everyone!

I know that it has been a LONGGG while since I've last posted...and I truly apologize. I will be posting an update blog post/video (haven't decided yet, lol!) soon.

The topic that I want to focus on today is the World's reaction to faithful Christians...

When I woke up this morning, I took some time and went through my twitter feed and looked at some posts from my friends. As I was scrolling down, I came across a retweeted post from Paul C. Brunson directing people to a recent blog post of his entitled "His Timing Is Always Perfect". I took some time to read the post and was very inspired. To give a synopsis, Brunson was rushing in the morning to prepare himself for a meeting and came across every obstacle that he could imagine (including searching for toilet paper, which he so candidly shared, lol!). After he stepped out of the door, he realized that he was going to be late for his meeting because he still had to make one more stop at the dry cleaners to pick up his clothing and change, so he called to notify his appointment that he would be late. Mad at himself for being late, he starting beating himself up for not being a better judgment of time. As he was walking down the street to the cleaners, he was stopped by a police officer and told that he was lucky that he hadn't been walking down that street 15 min. earlier, or else he could have been shot. Brunson had just escaped being a victim in the Empire State Building Shooting.

The only thing that he had to say after that is that God's timing is PERFECT. That it truly is...All of his fumbling and obstacles that he faced during his morning routine, occurred for a reason, to keep him away from the disaster taking place at the Empire State Building. As I scrolled down to read the comments to his post, one in particular stood out. "You religious freaks have no sense of shame. It is all about you and HIM huh? F**k those victims who got shot."You religious freaks? No sense of shame? Brunson is simply thanking God and sharing his revelation with the world. What upsets me most is that we are labeled as  "religious freaks" for trusting in God and sharing our faith.

This post might upset some people, but I don't really care. Christianity is NOT a religion, it is a RELATIONSHIP. Communion with the Almighty, All-knowing, All-Powerful God that I serve. I'm thankful for life as it has been given to me, because I didn't have to be here. God saw fit to keep me! God has a master plan, and EVERYTHING is designed to bring Him glory. Even if we as mere humans don't understand it. Period! Yes, there were victims of the shooting, but he was acknowledging that God protected  him from being one. He realized the severity of the situation and understood that he could have been another person shot if he had left at the time he originally planned for. We as Christians are not being selfish when we bring glory to God, we are praising Him anyway through the good and the bad!

Remember that our minds and thoughts don't even being to parallel those of God's! There are things that we don't and NEVER WILL understand about God and the things that He allows to happen in our lives, community, nation and world. We can rationalize it all we want to, but we will NEVER fully understand the workings of the Lord. All we can do is have faith and trust that every event that takes place happens for a reason. God knows what He is doing. Period.

Peace & blessings,
nNb :)


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