Thursday, January 21, 2010


There is no Challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself.
-- Michael F. Staley

Hey y'all!

I was on one of my favorite natural hair sites ( and I was looking at the health and fitness forum and saw a topic that mentioned something about weekly challenges. This seems like a GREAT idea, so I've decided to do the same type of thing. However, instead of focusing on just health and fitness, I want to incorporate other things like education, music, hair challenges and sooo much more! This will force me to post more on here (hehe) and it will also give me a way to connect with other people who are in similar situations as myself. These challenges will not be easy...they will be designed to take you out of your comfort zone :)

Here's the setup:
  • Each challenge will begin on Monday of the week and will end at 11:59 the following Saturday.
  • I will try to alternate the topics from week to week to get some variety. If you have any suggestions for challenge ideas, shoot me a message or just comment below.
  • Update everyone on your progress below in the comments section.
  • If this gets really big, (I'm hoping it does!) I'll create a separate blog for it :)

The first challenge will be posted on Sunday, Jan 24th. I'm really excited!!!


nNb Y


Indulgenceiskey said...

I am ready to see what the first challenge is going to be. Bring It!

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