Thursday, February 23, 2012

*Reflections* --> I'm back!!!!

“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.” 
― William ShakespeareA Midsummer Night's Dream

Hey everyone!

It has truly been an exciting hiatus for me! I've discovered so many new things about myself and I have grown so much over these past 40 days! I will say that I have learned some things that I do and don't like about myself and I am taking the time to reflect on those things now. The above quote encompasses a lot of my thought process during the last couple of weeks.

During my fast, I realized that God doesn't focus on what the world focuses on...while we look at credentials and outer appearance, God looks at the heart. He knows my thoughts, passions and dreams. He doesn't look at me and say that because you had a low g.p.a. out of undergrad, you are not good enough to do this or that... He sees me for who I truly am, His daughter! I take so much comfort and solace in the fact that I serve a God that loves me IN SPITE of me! Glory be to God! 

As I continued to reflect, God laid it on my heart (through a convo w/ my mentor) that I AM a world changer. God uses what the world will think is weak people (we even think this ourselves) to create major change. Think of Moses when he was told that he was selected to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt (Exodus 3:7-20), he doubted his own ability, but God did not. God saw in Moses what he didn't see in himself. Thinking about my own life, I want change urban education for the better and although I might not feel like my credentials display my passion and drive, I know that I serve a God who is able! He will make a way for me to carry out this gift of empathy towards others who grew up in similar situations as me. The bible says in 1 Samuel 16:7 that we should not judge people by their appearance (or superficial things). The Lord doesn't see things the way that we see them, but He looks at the heart.

So as I grow more and more each day, and wait for graduate school responses, I keep holding on to the fact that I am a world changer. I am committed and I will persevere no matter what! No man, not even myself can stop God from fulfilling His will. No one! I will leave you with this quote that I look at every morning before I leave for work:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” 
― Margaret Mead

Blessings to all,
nNb :)


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