Thursday, May 19, 2011

Online Weight Loss Comminuities

"My advice is to go into something and stay with it until you like it. You can't like it until you obtain expertise in that work. And once you are an expert, it's a pleasure."

~Milton Garland

Hey lovelies,

So, you all know that I am currently in a middle of a weight loss journey. This is my THIRD attempt at doing this and I want to make sure that this time, I am successful. One of my goals during this journey was to find some online weight loss communities that are supportive as well as informative. I am happy to say that I have found some really good ones. These communities, not only allow you to track your exercise progress, butt hey also allow you to examine your nutrition as well. They contain a wealth of information, and I am ready to absorb it all!

MyFitnessPal has a really great phone application that allows you to instantly track, input, and sync your nutritional changes as the day progresses. Their food database is very extensive, and I haven't come across one thing, yet, it did not have.

CurlyNikkiForums Health & Fitness contain a wealth of information from naturals that are trying to become more healthy and fit. They talk about supplements, exercises, challenges and much more! CurlyNikki also has a great phone application so you can access the forum at anytime! :)

FatSecret is a great webiste to check out a detailed list of all types of foods. They not only gave me the standard nutiritional information, but they gave me much much more! They also have a great online journal so that people can follow and track your progress.

These are just a few of the online communities that I have come across that encompass everything that I am looking for! Hopefully you can check them out and join them as well! Don't forget to add me as a friend on all of these communities, my username is naturalNaijabeauty for all of them!

Stay blessed!

nNb :)


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